
Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Year In Review

We hope all of our readers have been enjoying Christmas. The Trojan Heron hasn't published in about a week, but we've been busy making use of our holiday by researching stories for the upcoming year. The Trojan Heron isn't even one year old yet, but in our short life span, we've had about 85,000 hits. Each month, our hit count increases, and in many ways, we are just getting started.

We are loved and hated. Many people have accused us of defamation. Friends Board members, members of our citizen committees, Councillors, and several members of the eco-aristocracy claim that we take things out of context. For example, here is a quotation from a November 7 meeting of the Marine Resources Committee (MRC):
There was discussion about the local blog that appears to be following all of the emails coming to Linda's county email address; some of the blog commentaries have been written in the worst light, Linda said, and information is taken out of context. Members agreed with Kit Rawson that the MRC has nothing to hide.
All we really do is report events as we see them, using primary sources of information (such as emails) as much as possible. If the MRC has nothing to hide, why are they included on emails involving the Friends and County consultants arranging meetings to "happen outside of the County’s public participation plan?" Those aren't our words. And as far as Linda Lyshall is concerned, she provided testimony before the Council on November 20 stating that the MRC's parent organization isn't the Council but the Northwest Straits Commission. Lyshall, one of the more prominent members of the MRC and a County employee to boot, doesn't even know who she works for ... doesn't even know enough to hide her spectacular ignorance of County committee hierarchy.

As for whether the Trojan Heron reports in the correct light, we report stories in the light in which we find them. Often, it shows our appointed public servants to be oblivious of their public responsibilities. Often, it shows our citizen committees to be entirely out of control, and the MRC is one of the best examples of the worst behavior of committees. Frequently, the corruption and dysfunctionality of our County (and State) officials seems to be exceeded only by their breathtaking hypocrisy and ignorance.

Before we press on with 2013, take a moment to review where we've been. We think some of the biggest stories of 2012 were:
Most of our stories have to do with Iceberg Government. They'll be lots more of that in 2013.  What do you think the top stories have been?


  1. I too, have nothing to hideDecember 29, 2012 at 4:17 PM

    Well, how about Sharon Kivisto possessed by demons at the Consignment Treasures community meeting? A scene right out of the Exorcist.

  2. Since the TH has looked at the MRC and come away unimpressed, it begs the question as to most of the SJC committees.

    Sure many of them are loaded with good people who want to serve their community, but somehow these committees never seem to go away.

    Along with the committee there is an assigned staff person, usually with some kind of program they dreamed up late one night.

    Folks, this all costs money, lots of it.

    If a citizens committee is deemed needed it should do it's assigned work and be disbanded.

    Standing committees??? NO, NO, and NO.

    I have never seen a small town County so loaded with baggage.

    Another impediment to efficient government, recently set up by Pete Rose a few years ago, is the "Three Touch" bullshit.

    Council people love it and why not? Oh this is only a "first touch" meet I'll, book it next time.

    So what happens? The public gets weary, while the Council lays back as only Fralick can demonstrate, and they use all kinds of set up talk to line up the final vote. Disgusting!


    It's simple: Get It Done.

  3. Top story, running unopposed, is the Trojan Heron and his secret county employee readership who are slowing building up steam to revolt in a spectacular manner..... or wilt like a bunch of little ewes.

    Never underestimate the education, ability, and quietly held secret power ship of those whom the angry heron actually is addressing in this blog.

  4. And the money. Don't forget the money. It's all about the money and the power. The environment? Not so much.

    Don't underestimate the ability of quiet power to shovel hot steaming loads of fresh money into the upcoming election. The machine is well oiled and ready to go.

    Just one little thing.

    The bigger they come, the harder they fall.

    One and all.

  5. Well, word is already coming in that the "Madrona Institute" (i.e., Democratic Committee Chair Ron Zee) is offering to provide assistance to various County programs--reportedly, for a "modest" piece of the action--like 5-10%?? How convenient if his slate of candidates (Pratt, Stephens, Byers) take over and start those spending engines again. Our own little stimulus program. Still trying to figure out what the Madrona Institute is or does--until last year, it focused on "Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation Policy." Aren't we a nuclear-free zone?
