Sunday, August 5, 2012

Countdown To CAOmageddon: Flaw #3 - Bias

Bias is the next flaw in the CAO process. Throughout the CAO process, the Council and Planning Commission have listened to the echo chamber of staff, Ecology, paid consultants, the tribes, and the Friends more than the citizens of this county. Some of the Friends Board members, such as Janet Alderton, have been granted extraordinary access, while long-term island families and businesses have been ignored. The individual humanity of everyday islanders doesn't seem to matter much to our elected officials, or to the "press" covering the story.

To that end, please read the above guest editorial by Nick Jones.

1 comment:

  1. In the Council's hearing on the Fish & Wildlife Critical Areas the other day, which had been noticed as including taking public testimony on the draft ordinance, I found it quite revealing that Patty Miller waited until 4:57 PM to open up the hearing for the public to speak. By which time everyone had gone home, except for the Friends...

    Don't you just love representative government?
