Wednesday, March 14, 2012

We'll Leave The Light On For Ya!

One concern many locals have about the CAO process is that State officials seem to have too close a relationship with our County staff and our consultants. Some citizens go so far as to suggest that County staff appear to have de facto accountability to the State rather than to us and our Council. After all, many public records reveal an apparently all-too-cozy relationship with State staff. In the email below, Erik Stockdale, a State employee, responds to a kind offer from Shireene Hale, a County Planner. Erik also mentions Paul, which either refers to Paul Adamus, a wetlands consultant hired by the County, or Paul Anderson, an Ecology employee who reports to Erik.

As you consider the email below, bear in mind what has been stated in earlier posts regarding the State's involvement in the CAOs.  Remember that one of Erik Stockdale's superiors recently said:

"We don’t have regulatory authority in local critical areas ordinance issues. We don’t make rulings or issue enforcement actions under local critical areas ordinances. Those tasks are on local government turf" (Gordon White, Eco-Connect Blog, February 14, 2012.)

Be that as it may, it would seem that when it comes to the State and our "turf", mi casa es su casa.

Or should that be mi CAO es su CAO?

From: "Stockdale, Erik (ECY)" <ESTO461@ECY.WA.GOV>
Date: September 8, 2011 11:26:06 AM PDT
To: Shireene Hale <>
Subject: voicemail

My bad... I was looking at the Monday Sept 12 agenda. Can you confirm that the planning commission hearing is for Friday the 16th and not Wed the 14th? The agenda says it is Wed the 16th.

I have a family commitment on Thursday (dropping my younger son off at Western Washington University) and hope to catch up with Paul later that afternoon or early evening in Mount Vernon before we get on the ferry together.

We greatly appreciate your offer to have us stay with you, yet it seems like quite an imposition for both of us to parachute in on you.

Paul has checked with Friday Harbor Labs about space in their dorms. If we come up short we may feel like we are less of an imposition!

That said, would you like to meet Thursday evening if you have questions to go over?

Thanks, Erik
Erik Stockdale|Wetlands/401 Unit Supervisor|Department of Ecology| 425-649-7061|  <>

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