Monday, May 6, 2013

Taking Stock

The election results should be certified this week. The final count is later today. With just a handful of ballots remaining, the totals as of May 1 are:
  • Pratt - 3,359 to Jarman - 3,421
  • Byers - 3,356 to Hughes - 3,485
  • McClerren - 2,783 to Stephens - 3,701
Combining these figures with the PDC totals, fundraising-per-vote amounted to the following (with Trust Islanders fundraising spread evenly across Jarman, Hughes, and McClerren).
  • Byers - $9.12 per vote
  • Jarman - $7.74 per vote ($5.41 per vote without Trust Islanders)
  • Pratt - $6.96 per vote
  • Hughes - $5.87 per vote ($3.58 per vote without Trust Islanders)
  • McClerren - $5.51 per vote ($2.68 per vote without Trust Islanders)
  • Stephens - $5.24 per vote
The elections may be over, but there is still plenty of controversy in our islands. Many of our fellow citizens continue to push for greater regulation, even if they don't follow the rules themselves. Also, the Pictometry mess is raising important questions about privacy, and the Friends and their friends (e.g., Futurewise) are gearing up for battle about the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) update.

More to come in future posts on all that ... and more.
The better approach would be to prevent construction of new homes where they will ever need armoring and then prohibit the construction of armoring for that home. Once shoreline erosion reaches the home, it must either be removed from the shore, or rebuilt further upland.

And in response to the argument that preservation of aesthetically stunning landscapes is elitist, I would argue that transferring the benefits of natural views of the shoreline from the public to wealthy, shoreline property owners is rather elitist.
For those passing by water, all the homes may be considered visual blight.
-- Stephanie Buffum (8/13/09) Executive Director, Friends of the San Juans


  1. All homes a visual blight for those passing by water. Sez da friends. Does that include all homes viewed by pictometry on a computer while passing by on a cruise ship staffed whith local experts? In orcas issues Colin Maycock lets us know that the deadline for comments on the shoreline master plan is May 7th.

  2. Book of Hale, chapter 2. SMP.
    Time to start pouring through the draft and try to figure out not if we get shafted, but what angle it comes from.

  3. Council session tomorrow

    Pictometry was long in coming and the slipped through. We got shivved. The blade slipped in at an oblique angle.

    The County can back out and they know it.

    Hale and Company had long maintained they didn't need to 1) assess the economic impacts or 2) figure out the costs of the CAO because it would be easier to enforce than what was on the books.

    That seemed nuts. But if her gang had knowledge of Pictometry they knew they it right. Pictometry expands the police power of local government by an order of magnitude we have never seen and for what it provides, its a cheap deal.

    This is no more about efficient government than the CAO is about the environment. It's all about control.

  4. The County's ability to enforce the CAO using Pictometry (probably their greatest motivation) is only enhanced if the photos are taken after the implementation date in 2014. The dating of property changes identified in the subsequent flyover three years from now as pre-implementation v. post-implementaion will not be possible. This should be reason enough for the current council to cancel this year's flights.

  5. SMP deadline for comments is May 7th? The I&C is still full of errors, apart from the conceptual. Oddly, what Mr. Mathews characterized as a hoax last year in one of his finer moments is now official County policy: please let the County know what you do with your property, so it can properly "grandfather" that use/structure/activity from the impact of Hurricane SMP. Will someone request an extension? Because people who hear about this will no doubt remember the County cries of HOAX and fail to protect their continued use.

  6. Brian EhrmantrautMay 6, 2013 at 11:23 AM

    The first (of many) Planning Commission hearings on the new SMP is this Thursday, May 9th, 8:45am in the County Council Hearing Room. This would be a good time to show up and speak about any concerns you have with the proposed update.

    There will be time for public testimony, the guidelines will be as usual: 3 minutes to speak, then if you have more to say, go to the back of the line and you'll have another shot.

    Please come with specific comments and suggestions!

  7. So who is going to bring in the pix of Stephens water front armoring and ask him to lead by example by "mitigating" the irreparable harm his property is causing?

  8. Anyone know who won the OPALCO election?

  9. The best way for the Machine to mitigate human harm is to leave.

    Move to Orange County, CA. They need to be educated.

  10. @1:34pm

    OPALCO winners were Bogert, Myhr, Lett

  11. I'm particularly distressed by Ms. Buffum's use of the word "blight" to describe people's impressions of homes by the water.

    I grew up here and never ever thought that. I used to...on the and wonder about who lived in that magical place...just the way I look at homes inland.

    I believe there are limited lots available on the shorelines and there are multiple restrictions on what you can or cannot do there.

    Her latest brochure is literally propaganda. People are not allowed to go to those extremes but she implies that.

    Please your history. You are living exactly what you are fighting. Don't you get it? Until you choose to live in the fourth floor're a hypocrite.

    Stephanie should be encouraged to go save something else. She is being used and has no clue. Her home could also be considered a "blight" just because she is not an animal. What a strange fear based reality she must live in.

  12. Stephanie is not being used, she knows exactly what she is doing. This is what she was hired for by the friends. She will live here as long as it lasts or she gets a better job offer.

  13. Thank you for the quotes from Ms. Buffum. (Assume that is the name she is using these days.)

    If nothing else the islands are surveyed to death and that provides me with knowledge that we have lost approximately 1/2 acre over a period of 25-27 years due to shoreline erosion. It works out to about 3 inches per year, some areas more, some areas less.

    Amazing Buffum can expect planners or anyone to know what land will erode, at what rate it will erode, and there should be regulation based on this. HUH?

    Oh, just tear down someone's life investment and move it because you Ms. Buffum have ordained yourself to prevent beach recharge, cobble stones or other stuff you don't think is appropriate.

    Ms. Buffum, we can always rely on you and your organization to manufacture data, play any trick to enhance your fund raising, and to consistently come forward to bait and fight with Islanders who are grounded with that bare essential called common sense.

  14. There are old maps of the islands drafted over 100 years ago. They are quite detailed. Shoreline topography has not changed very much.

  15. Remember when we thought the friends was a good thing? Now when I see a real heron ( as in their logo) it makes me feel sick to my stomach . It's amazing how much power we gave them, and how much damage they have done to this community. It would be different if they really believed what they are saying, but they know its BS. That's why they don't live it. I feel like I've been tricked. Shame on you

  16. Kevin Ranker had Ms Buffums job till we promoted him . That's just plain scary.

  17. The friends do not even need us anymore. They can finance their whole thing with off island money and grants, no need to please us. The more chicken little stuff they push means the more money they make. It is just job security for them. We are a magnet for nonprofit people Lisa Byers , Marta Nielson, Kyle Loring, Russel Barsch the list is endless. All here for the money. Start asking questions they don't like and you get told you are "totally irrelevant". As happened to me recently on orcas issues web site and then they deleted my response after leaving it posted for a short while. That is why TH exists because the other feel good "news" outlets around here won't let you post or cut you off at the knees. They just want to please the chamber of commerce and sell ad space.

  18. Truth is Orcas Issues is irrelevant and it is run by a political hack who plays with the League of Women Voters and who cannot figure out if she is running a nonprofit or a commercial service.

    The Friends need to be actively managed, and they can be. Frog marched actually.

    They operate on less than a half million a year in soft money and have had to dip into their own reserves. Their executive director is prone to angry extended public outbursts. The strain shows. The filth they just dumped into the mail shows how blind and arrogant they have become.

    It takes some work to bring down a $300K nonprofit on a mission from God who has lost their way. But that is not very much money and there is not very much real power behind it any longer.

    The best thing to do is to help hasten their exit. They are done with a stick. What you are watching are death rattles, but that can be damaging.

    Time to actively manage the Friends and the County. We are learning fast and have tools and resources to do this.



    Pictometry® Connect Mobile™, available to Pictometry Connect and Pictometry Online customers, provides visualization capabilities of high resolution imagery with a simple interface to navigate, pan and zoom. Users have multiple search options including by address, by latitude and longitude coordinates, by specific points of interest and by airports.

    “We are now able to supply imagery to our customers who are on the go, giving them the freedom to easily view and reference Pictometry imagery away from their desktop computers,” said Jim Smyth, chief marketing officer at Pictometry.

  20. The Friends have a history of altering reality in the "photographs" appearing in their publications. For example, the Summer 2012 newletter. I believe all of the images showing whales and ships are actually composites created in Photoshop. The picture of Stephanie Field on page 1, as she looks sternly over a landscape that kinda looks like Friday Harbor (but is not) with a ship in the background in what would be San Juan Channel (but is not) is particularly laughable.

  21. Now how would the Friends morph and photoshop Pictometry images??


    part of me is thinking back to the good old Sovietski days when party hacks who has fallen from grace were "airbrushed" from Kremlin photos of old dudes in heavy overcoats and sour expressions.

  22. Stan Matthews Show at 2PM. Beam on in.

    Several PDF attachments to the agenda item, but not what the public and the council needs to review.

    Attached are earlier memos from Matthews for discussions from March and April.

    What is notably lacking in the attachments for today's discussion is the contract ...

  23. How do you get the live feed of county council meeting to run smoothly? I have windows 7.

  24. Wow, public comment at today's council. Leaf Templin. "this code enforcement ordinance is a bad idea" (followed be her making growling noises and faces). Oh then, it gets good, she admits that she hasn't read the thing. Wow. This lady is stupid enough to be a planner.

  25. Aerial photo next...where is everyone?

  26. 2:45
    Well, you are not smart enough to be stupid. Where were you?

  27. Wow..our county staff has screwed us. Stan Mathews and Bob ramps..exist at the second and third touch. We are commited now. We will be out $16,000 or more if we break the contract. Staff has misled everyone.

  28. Just wait for the contractors to see the new revised code enforcement...this all is downward spiral.

    Do any of us have any real affect on the process? Staff gets paid to win these battles.

  29. @ 2:45 pm Leith's comments were not stupid, and neither is she. She knows and cares a lot about what happens in the County. I did not see you there commenting. Have YOU read the entire enforcement ordinance? Leith's point was very clear--CDP is out of control and engaged in special treatment as well as retaliatory treatment. She seems frustrated--as should we all be-- by the County's failure to do anything to rein in the damaging and unfair actions by the CDP Director. Providing said person with additional discretion is a mistake. Whether the enforcement amendments do that may be a valid question.

  30. I thought the pictometry had a "built in kill switch". Doesn't appear to be the case.

  31. Off topic, I admit, but I got to musing today about Mr. Gaylord's recent arguement that there were no violations of the OpenPublic Meetings Act because there were no "meetings", and instead only "gatherings". So I thought I would look up the definition of a "gathering". Sure enough, a "gathering" is defined in Websters (and several other dictionary sources) as .....drum roll guessed it ..."a meeting".

    Sorry to have strayed off from discussion of the supposed need for pictometry and draconian code enforcement regs, but then again, both supposed needs do strike me as being just as ill conceived as Mr. Gaylord's arguement.

  32. Today the Council merely appears to have tried.
    The motion passed does nothing to stop the imminent gathering of specific data on the property of our citizens. Even before it is gathered, the data is already resold to the likes of Google, Microsoft or anyone willing to pay Pictometry the SJC subsidized rate.
    Mr. Gaylord withheld all assistance to the Council in their stated desire to postpone the flights and renegotiate the terms.

  33. @6:45 -- of COURSE it was Gaylord. Because the Council has no free will of its own. Does not have the ability to think for itself. Has no...oh, wait...spine. Yes -- it was, of course, someone else's fault. I love how we are now standing by a council that has no accountability

  34. @6:49 from 6:45
    Point taken. It was disheartening to see the our council members fail so miserably due to lack of spine.

  35. Even so, they could've used some sound legal advice given the complexity of circumstances.

  36. $16,000 huh?

    Not much.

    About one month fees for Bob Jean.

    Fire Jean. Pay off Pictometry.

  37. It could be up to 90,000...depends on what Pictomtry jean and mathews.

  38. Did anyone catch the part where it seems like this is already in motion, not really being debated?
    "they could be taking photos Monday" was mentioned.

    Not sure if the Matthews resolution thing is true. If it is, it looks about like google earth now, they have some oblique stuff, but it is real grainy.

    camo netting it is.

    Wanted: Gillies suit, size: 1acre
    Will trade smoked salmon, spot shrimp and some good Waldron buds.

  39. We REALLY need to know the flyover schedule.

    I am proposing that we stage a community wide nude sunbathing event. Really, I'm serious! The level of clarity in eastsound, friday harbor and lopez village will be such that we should be able to see the details of everyone's "property".

    I might even have my kid lay out naked so we can officially declare the current council guilty of producing child porn! Might be the only way to stop them now!

  40. @9:09

    MENSA called, they want to refund your dues.

  41. Phase 2 - ACLU

    Missed the vid earlier session ran late. Did Council have the contract before them today?

    I'm thinking Jamie has a real stake in this, for several reasons.

  42. Congratulations to Nick Power! You belong here Mister Attorney.

  43. What does the pictometry contract say? If we continue will we also be agreeing to a long term contract? Give em the 16k that is the way out. We can't precedence. Pictometry will be in the county computer billing cycle and they will push a button and pay. Always paying for the latest upgrade that we will never here about. Because now it is buried in the system. How come Randy was there? I thought Jon Caine usually handles these meetings. What happened to Jon? I truly hope he is OK, Maybe when Randy told him he had his back Jon believed him or did not know what that meant in county government.

  44. Any sports types out there with base painter or chalk boxes, I want to write fuck you in ten foot letters in my yard to greet the plane. I'm so angry at my council I can't stand it.
    Yes and fire Stan and sue Bob Jean

  45. It really is too bad. Rick Hughes had a chance to show us that he is listening to us, but instead he voted to move forward on this issue despite the fact that Williams has misrepresented the support of outside agencies at every step along the way.

    It is unfortunate that this elected body does not feel empowered to properly manage their staff. - and even more so given that that will be their primary role as we move into a 3 member system.

    Sad, unfortunate and disappointing. Anyone ready for a new election?

  46. New election? Like Pratt or Byers would have opposed this. For sure the first thing to do is fire Stan Matthew for lying and blatant misrepresentation to the county council. That has got to be a violation of his contract.

  47. Wow the article in the san juan islander is way different than the one in the island guardian. Wonder who wrote it?

  48. And in other news, wannabe journalist/marginalized blogger Kavisto engaged in another episode of "pencil throwing" like behavior in a pathetic attempt to ridicule those who don't support her agenda.
    Anonymous sources were quoted as saying "from this lady's feeble attempt at news, you would think nobody gives a shit about this, but that ain't the case"
    (cue up Twisted Sister 'We're Not Gonna Take It')

  49. Instead of having us pay off Pictometry the county should sue Stan Matthew on behalf of the people to pay for this sham.

  50. $16,000?

    Maybe an anonymous private party can donate?

    A multiyear contract that is closer to $400,000? Gosh. Who knew?

    The Hales. Matthews. Insubordinate and indifferent.

    What would Mr. Business Rick Hughes do in the private sector if faced with a lying employee thumbing their nose in your face in public.

    How embarrassing and humiliating. Thank you Stan. May I please have another?

  51. Who from the county is going to consult with the company about what, if anything can be done?

  52. WTF Mark Forlenza threw us under the bus, also
    I guess there is no respect for the privacy of our
    Neighbors except for good ol Bob.
    San Juan county government fucking sucks. Good luck Bob
    It's gonna be an uphill battle.
    No privacy, no appeals bd, but fuck cd&p has all kinds of authority to ruin any of us. And don't think they won't., especially with Randy's support.
    We have all been sold out, sunk,

  53. The motion passed was to speak to pictometry and see how we can get out of contract. The task was given to Stan and Frank Mulchay, both who are untrust worthy. The request was made to do it today,will they? I bet not.
    Don't forget that Stan said Charles Zalmaneck was the one provided the private money.
    When staff and adminstrator have a directive from council which they interept to suit their cause will cost us 16,000...up to 90,000. To potentially get out of contract. Stan lied saying there were many off ramps,Stan misled council . And we will not own the pictures,they can be sold to anyone.Stan lied again. Originally he stated we would own them.
    What a mess...Remember this when Randy comes up for reelection, he reviewed the "form" but not the content?
    This is costing us not just money...our Privacy.

  54. Stan Mathews should be charged with making false statement to our government officials,, a gross misdemeanor, fines and jail time. He should be charged today. He is on tape making these statements.

  55. The county council needs to demand a copy of discussion between Pictometry and Stan/Frank. How could they trust the people who intentionally lied to them to fix this, all they are going to do is continue lying, and they are being paid the whole time for their "work".

  56. Yeah and who is going to prosecute them Randy? Looks like the joke is on us.

  57. Will pictometry help or hinder small business who collude with one another and attempt to drive out competition through abuse of judicial process?
    Just not clear on that.

  58. Purpose of multiyear contract is to compare multiyear imagery to show changes on the ground. This is enforcement technology. It is surveillance and monitoring because it is not a one off snap shot but rather a periodic sweep. This is like the guards passing every 20 minutes. This is like time lapse photography. Rather than 30 frames a second video, this is multiyear oblique imagery computer analyzed to show minute changes on the ground over time. That is surveillance.

  59. the point is,
    This county has invaded our privacy without a warrant which by itself IS "search and seizure" who this helps and who it hurts is immaterial. This affront to all private citizens that give a damn about their privacy have been injured by these jerks that will get off Scott free. And Randy who serves only an authoritarian county not its citizens could have "should have introduced the possibility of tort against all county citizens" in protection of "his own Authority" interests.

    When can we expect the comp plan mission statement to be brought current to reflect the current Agenda of driving every Freedom loving citizen from this county. To move forward in and orderly and obedient fashion where citizens relinquish their individual instinct obey and bow to their orderlies and the Great Masters.

  60. The only way things like this can be solved going forward is if the council have the balls to hire a strong county manager who can drive the culture changes needed. Clearly change in leadership of various depts is the first step under a new CM. However, none of the final six selected by the recruitment firm I my opinion are different enough to enable this change. We need a big shake up in style and process of the day to day operations. I know I am one of two local and private sector experienced individuals who applied for the position but rejected in the final 12. I find it very frustrating that the council is been led by the same group that is responsible for prior CM hires yet they hope to find something different tapping into the same talent pool. TH you should start a trend on the CM position alone so each persons background and experience can be debated. The council need to hear our views on this matter.

  61. So after all the time and money we spent on the "County Conversations" where is the product?

  62. The answers are word clouds blowing in the wind ...

  63. 9:27, Im with you
    clearly we do not show enough presence by this blog however to even impact the council.
    Only One councilor paid respect to our demands for privacy. how can TH do enough to impact the CM position.
    I think we need more than that.

  64. Backroom Rumor from the County Offices:

    At least one of the pre-selected candidates is withdrawing their name from the list. Not sure who yet, but it soundls like this group might be self selecting.

    I'd really like to know which one it was, because they are the one I want to hire. Smart enough to know to RUN from any job in the SJC offices!

  65. @12:34 TH is at least a start... But also folks should make sure to attend the meetings next Monday regarding the CM position. They are doing three meetings on Monday on each island starting with Orcas in the AM. I am not sure if the final six candidates are supposed to be in attendance. I will find a link to the meeting details and post shortly.

  66. A few thoughts:

    Rick Hughes and Rich Peterson originally voted for the Pictometry ON CONDITION that the safety personnel said they needed it and that other promised money fell into place. That was one of many conditions Council made clear to the IT Director and Interim Manager. Subsequently, the IT Director either misunderstood what the safety people (fire chiefs) and others said, or he lied. He is either incompetent or untrustworthy. In either case, he should be history. (He claimed that he had all the chiefs lined up but there was "political pressure" brought to bear. Yeah, it's called taxpayers and citizens being really angry about a bad idea. It also is absolutely untrue. Orcas NEVER expressed an interest, so far as the fire chief reports.)

    We will only get more of this cr^p from the management given the Council's apparent decision to remove all experienced, competent "outsiders" (non-career bureaucrats) from the pool of Manager candidates.

    Look at what Pete Rose did to our County: filed it full of Hales and Matthews and emphatically supported these management types whenever they had a hissy fit.

    Look what Bob Jean did: let this godforsaken aerial photography mess happen, designed and conducted the ludicrously wasteful Community Conversations, and went on vacation during the most complicated transition we've seen.

    So, yeah, let's rely on the guy who gave us Pete Rose and Bob Jean (and had them paid heft salaries). Sure, he's the one to ask about who should take on the new and unique position of "manager." Council is now being paid to do direct supervision of County staff. Manager only needs to do organizational and special projects assigned by Council. We need someone with a brain and a heart and courage, and the Wizard of Oz is not around to give any of the final list bureucrats on the list those qualities.

    What about Greg Ayers? What about Gerry Lawlor? Or is running national and international businesses not sophisticated enough experience? What about asking for locals, AGAIN?? We can take over the recruitment of a manager, and let Mr. Personnel Consultant "outplace" Hale and Hale and Beleveau and Matthews. All of them are management; how hard is it to fire them? Not hard at all. And even the Public Works guy--his star is fading fast.

    I'm beginning to think that we will need to march on the Administration Building with pitchforks and torches to make any impression.

  67. A friend just told me this conversation was happening here so I feel I should chime in. I also applied for the position. I know, similar to some comments above was part of a final 12 prospect list that was split into two groups of 6 that went in front of the council the day after the election by the recruiter Greg Prothman. The second group (the one I was in) was told their names would not be moving forward to formal interviews. The six that are is the list we have seen in the press. To say the least I am very frustrated to have at not least been given the chance to interview so they could see a different perspective of experience and management style. In my application I was very upfront that my experience was not the usual for this kind of position. However, I have years of experience running complex organizations and projects within very challenging environments and under very strict rules/laws. I still believe someone like myself is what the county needs to truly mix up the culture of the past. However, as mentioned above the council is been advised by the same person who has advised them in the past and yet are hoping for something different. Certainly does not make sense to me.

  68. The Council should at the minimum ask the Head Hunter to present them with ALL twelve applicant resumes and cover letters.

    Is this again a situation where staff and contracted staff make decisions on their own?

    How is it that ANY staff person can sign off on a contract unseen and unapproved by the Council for an unfunded $300K+ contract?

    Talk about not minding the store! The cash drawer is left wide open.

  69. Here is the contract between SJC and Pictometry.

  70. Gaylord didn't even read the contract before advising the council that Pictometry would be entitled to seek all anticipated profits from the contract.
    #5 in the contract clearly states exactly the opposite. The most prominent clause in the contract is the only section in ALL CAPS!
    The County cannot be held liable beyond the amount already paid.

  71. Is there a signed copy?

  72. @1:12
    I'm sorry Mr. Lawlor, you appear to be competent and qualified through experience. That won't be tolerated.

    You must have missed the writing between the lines that said "seeking career bueracratic who is in need of cushy position to retire into. Ok if you were run out of your last position for incompetence. "

    This prothman club is for members only. These guys make drug dealers look ethical.

  73. @Nickedpower

    That link to the contract isn't working.

  74. I have bookmarked and download the contract to my computer.

  75. Our strength: Experience in local governments and NON-PROFITS. Perfect! A company that specializes in career bureaucrats with ties to non-profits, two groups that love grants, to hell with the strings, added costs. Can't you see I'm working here. San Juan County, the elephants graveyard of county managers on their last legs to retirement. The only thing they know how to negotiate shrewdly on is their pension and benefits. It gives me a warm fuzzy pukey feeling knowing my property and other taxes helped Bob Jean achieve his dream. Lets do it again! Sort of like a really bad movie you can't stop watching. Plus we are helping people get a job in San Juan County that's good for the local economy.

  76. Regarding the job description for the proposed new County Manager, I have some thoughts. Some may favor the the Board of Directors/CEO model, whereby the CEO has line authority over all the departments and reports to the Board regarding same. We are not big enough for that. I believe we need to utilize (and are paying for) the Council’s talent as managers, with hands on control of the big/sensitive departments (Public Works and CD&P). This will greatly affect the skill set required and resulting salary of the County Manager.

    The new charter is very clear that individual Council Members cannot give orders to departments, and that instructions need to be from the Council action. But there is lots of room in this system for information gathering and Liaison assignments.

  77. I heard the county is going to start beating people at random with rubber hoses!

    It's all in the Agenda 21 mandate bro, and the new manager is just a plant from the Bilderburger's to implement the Agenda, and of course the one world government; we gotta think locally and act globally!

  78. I'm optimistic.

    I think we may have just avoided the zombie apocalypse.

    Time will tell.

  79. More elections? Yep, gotta have more.

    Elected Prosecutor Gaylord, a person who countless times could have stepped in and provided advice that the staff CAO people (Hale et all) were heading the County into the deep blue sea of litigation, and expense.

    And now Mr. Gaylord misses all the same warning signs obvious to even the most untrained legal mind; the "contract," with this drop your drawers, surveillance outfit is not a good fit for SJC with litigation again sure to follow. (What is with this guy? He LIKES lawsuits?)

    Enter Charles Zalmanek, the ELECTED
    County Assessor.

    Like Gaylord, Mr. Zalmanek sees anything that puts money into County Government to be kissed from head to toe.

    No matter how despicable, no matter how low life, Gaylord and Zalmanek will support ANYTHING with the potential of greenbacks for their departments.

    So yes, we must vote again.

  80. @7:15

    I hope the rubber hoses are fair trade certified and organic, GMO free hoses, otherwise, well, let's not even go there.

  81. @ 7:15pm Why would the county beat us with rubber hoses? Then who would be left to pay the inflated salaries of county managers? They need to bleed us dry first.

  82. @@650pm

    The new charter is very clear that . . .??? Come on, even the Prosecuting Attorney cannot figure it out. Very clear, my bvtt.

    So where is the Charter guru Mr. Zee hanging these days? Working hard to get his unpermitted residential structures demolished? Or is Rene over there making sure that they come up to code for him? I sorta think that Mr. Zee gets white glove service from CDP. Like a six year pass on enforcement.

  83. @@650pm

    The new charter is very clear that . . .??? Come on, even the Prosecuting Attorney cannot figure it out. Very clear, my bvtt.

    So where is the Charter guru Mr. Zee hanging these days? Working hard to get his unpermitted residential structures demolished? Or is Rene over there making sure that they come up to code for him? I sorta think that Mr. Zee gets white glove service from CDP. Like a six year pass on enforcement.

  84. HOLD THE PRESSES. Our favorite local "journalist" is off the rails again. Already had to correct one mistake in her story on the aerial flights. There are about six more flat-out "mistakes" in her article. How many will she bother to correct? But then she has abandoned all pretense of journalism. It's pure bile.

    And the part about WASTING MONEY. Amazing. She never complains when her close personal friends take home fat county paychecks. That's not waste. That's dinner out!

    Of course, at least she shows up. More than we can say about our "press."

  85. So, can anyone tell me where to find Ed Kilduff's blog? Kivisto highly recommends it.

  86. @7:55

    Ed Kilduff used to play professional hockey for the Redwings and the Maple Leafs.

    I follow him on twitter, but only during hockey season. I didn't know he had a blog, but when I find it, I'll post it here.

  87. Ed Kilduff was sworn in as Chief of the New York City Fire Department a few months ago.

  88. The first rule of Ed Kilduff is, we don't talk about Ed Kilduff.

  89. Jeremy Charles Robert ClarksonMay 8, 2013 at 8:55 PM

    Some say he's wanted by the CIA, and that he sleeps upside down like a bat... all we know is, he's called The Ed.

  90. Wow. Wonderful. Two reports. Same story.

    The Guardian
    The San Juan Islander

    Compare and contrast. Analyze as either libertarian or authoritarian in content and tone.

    Explain your answer.

  91. Why is Futurewise showing up in SJCounty? They are the statewide-Friends-type-organization. Have the Friends lost THAT much credibility that the guys from central office have to show up and take over?

  92. @8:55 love the Stig comparison... Perfect. @6:50 in my opinion it is not about the structure per se. It is about the personalities and how they need to work together to enable capable people within the various departments do their jobs. Good leadership in the work place starts with clear goals and expectations. You have to ensure folks at every level have the right tools and are trained correctly and working within a culture of serving the client... Or in this case citizens. This council clearly cannot micro manage everything that needs to be done... Nor should the county manager. However, between the 4 roles they need to lead by example, be willing to take risks on changing many aspects (people, process, tools etc etc) all within a culture that fosters growth (in all it's forms). The sense I get when taking to members of the new council is fear of the law. It feels like every decision they need to make is on the fine line of legal right and wrong. This should not be the case. This stuff is not that complicated. there is no reason that the culture of government in the county is based around are we breaking a law or not. You should be so far inside the laws on daily operational decisions. There are not many serious jobs that don't operate within the confines of strict rules and regulation these days. Yet organizations are able to grow and thrive. No reason why our local government can't do the same.

  93. If Gaylord lied,as suggested by 4:13 & what he expressed in instructing council, he should be promptly brought to justice.
    Surely that would reflect high crime and expose serious corruption by his own hand

  94. We are all Ed Kilduff, whoever that is

    Which reminds me, when is the first Annual Trojan Heron Bar-b-Que and Pie Throwing Festival?

    I want a T-Shirt and coffee cup.

  95. What can we do about Randy? We need to find someone who is willing to run against him. Can the state attorney investigate his office? Because he is an elected official he should be accountable to the public, right?

  96. @946
    Good luck to Council if they are worried about the law. Who is going to tell them what the law is? Staff? Simply cannot be trusted -- always interpret the law as requiring the most oppressive choices possible, and the most job security for themselves. Randy? I think not. He has now officially taken three different positions on meetings of councilmembers, has been proven wrong in several cases, and shows up only when council demands it or he has some personal interest in an issue (driving the Speeds into the ground). He doesn't provide the legal advice and supervision that he should on a day-to-day basis. He should have been in control on that Pictometry contract and not let them sign it without meeting council's stated conditions. But no. He's there to explain only that we're probably stuck. And he should be the one to call and tell Pictometry we're done--but no. We'll trust the same clowns who got us into the situation to do it. Right. Someone called this a SNAFU. I say it's FUBAR.

  97. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

  98. @8:52
    Interesting that you think the PA is dedicated to "driving" someone in to the ground.
    The phrase "driving someone in to the ground" could very well describe the collusionairy actions taken by several business owners on Orcas who tried to use judicial process to run out a competitor.

  99. Or used community organizations in Friday Harbor to do the same thing

  100. Has anyone seen Pratt's concession and congratulations letter for Jarman?
    Any word on the OPMA lawsuit that involved Lovell and the secret meetings?

  101. Recall Randy.

    Const. Art. 1, §33-34
    RCW §29.82.010 et seq.

    Grounds for recall are acts of malfeasance or misfeasance while in office or violation of oath of office

    Any news about the Pictometry contract? What was the result?

  102. @4:14
    Can you provide specific instances of misfeasance and or malfeasance?

    Quoting law on the TH is one thing, circulating a petition is another.

    You should have been at the "surveil-in" last week, you could have collected hundreds if not thousands of signatures for the masses of concerned citizens that were swarming the courthouse steps.

  103. 5:50, I had to work. How many did show up? (I'm guessing six people.)

  104. @ 5:50 PM

    Used drones instead, more effective. That way folks working on other islands could watch later. Thanks for asking.

    As to Randy, time will tell. Not sure what all the fancy words mean. Not sure he does either.

  105. Reference the County Manager position.

    A: It should be clear to the new "Summer" Council that this hiring is of vital importance to the three of them. They all must get along with this person for several YEARS, and that being the case this is something they should spend money on.

    B: S..t Can the current recruiter. Start fresh. Be bold, and be open to new ideas.

    Frankly, I'd like to see younger management. Don't recruit us another old fart.

    C: Give strong direction and don't equivocate. (misleading language)

    Good luck you three, you're going to need it.

  106. Eleven more times the Moon the Sun will not want, All raised and lowered by degree: And put so low that one will stitch little gold: Such that after famine plague, the secret uncovered.

  107. @5:17
    Stay golden pony boy.

  108. And now: Reform. Transformation. Take the Machine apart, piece by piece. And, return peace to these islands. Who are those that would rip unsunder the sanctity of our private lives? Damn their eyes. They shall not pass.

    Full fathom five thy father lies;
    Of his bones are coral made;
    Those are pearls that were his eyes:
    Nothing of him that doth fade,
    But doth suffer a sea-change
    Into something rich and strange.
    Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
    Hark! now I hear them—Ding-dong, bell.

  109. Big Brother: LA police sued over massive data collection gleaned from cameras

  110. Pity Party.

    Tuesday, Stan Matthews whined about how SURPRISED he was that all those CITIZENS were interfering with his bureaucratic shenanigans.

    Yesterday, the County Engineer (the one wants 8 ft wide shoulders on all our main roads for bicycle lanes AND pedestrian paths, separated--of course--by "vegetated strips") was whining about how hard it is to get people to sell the County their land for the County's new road projects. Even if they have lots of land, they resent being asked to give the County some! Imagine!!

    This would be the same group who got a grant for Mt Baker Rd. then months later "discovered" that there were wetlands and trees on both sides. (Anyone driving down the road knew this.)

    The same group of "experts" that gave Orcas its "constructed wetland" and now its new and hideous "mitigation" wetland off Terril Beach Rd.

    The same person expressed surprise that people didn't like the Lopez Freeway. The same person expressed surprise that people are annoyed that the Mt Baker rd project is both years late AND way over budget, and likely could have been done as a roadbed fix, quickly and relatively inexpensively.

    The same person a while back expressed surprise that Lopezians were furious that their roadsides had been hacked to bits just before the berries came in last year. The same person who claims not to have heard that the Orcas people were hacked that their roadsides were HACKed.

    Where do these people live? Who do they talk to every day? Are they in a bubble?

    They are planning a system of highways and buses and trails and bike lanes (and taxes, of course) all over the islands. They are going to be taking pictures and taking land. (Orcas--you are next--the Horseshoe Highway is too curvy. The engineer says so. So you folks with all that "extra" land along the road better get ready to give it up. We have a freeway to build.

  111. And now any deviation from land use standards shall be declared a public nuisance and blight.

    Read the approved Planning Commission draft of the Enforcement Ordinance.

    Dig down to the new language about changing definitions of public nuisance.

    Uh oh. It just does not stop. Now we have to dig this weed out before it takes root.

  112. And so it continues; the urban mindset pushes forever ahead in this rural place.

    We must STOP hiring urban trained and folks with only urban experience.

    Not sure we need "planners" at all. (Sure would save a bunch of money, and litigation.)

  113. @1:08
    grammar check?
    Makes the rants read a little better.
    But keep up the good fight

  114. I would rather have B.A.G (Best Available Grammar), which is way more accurate than B.A.S.

  115. Stained with murder and enormous adulteries, Great enemy of the entire human race: Who will be worse than his grandfathers, uncles or fathers, Hell, fire, water, bloody & inhuman.

  116. But he still been allowed to plant a fruit tree.

  117. The pressing question, in this county is, if you have bad grammar. Should you be allowed to live. Because good grammar is a sign of social cultivation and a proper upbringing. It is a class thing, as of course you know.

  118. Wait, this is a county that will send a fellow who cannot form complete and correct sentences off to Olympia to decide the color of paint we're allowed to use.

    I think back fondly of the good old days of Professor Lichter and Young Kevin behind the dais, seemingly two peas in a pod.

    Lichter often took apparent delight in upbraiding Ranker over all too frequent spelling mistakes, grammatical gaffes and errors of logical construction much to the red-faced public embarrassment of that self-absorbed narcissistic twit.

    Rather than learning any lessons the good professor sought to bestow, Ranker just got the voters to kick him upstairs.

    You see, if you can't speak clearly and make much sense, the people will be awestruck by your wisdom and command of the issues and call you Dear Leader.

    I think we are beginning to wake up.

  119. Fire, flame, hunger, robber, wild smoke, It will cause to fail, striking hard, to destroy faith: Arrow of "Dent Ð Ã " all Provence sucked up, Driven out of the realm, enraged without spitting.

  120. I saw none other than Michael Larkspur, notorious state and regional machine operative walking wih some of the local usual suspects.
    Beware folks, the machine is down but not out. Dont be surprised if you see some entirely unknown faces start appearing for committee memberships and on advisory boards.

  121. Committees perhaps, but most certainly placing candidates for every bloody local office up in November down to the cemetery districts and most definitely the school districts.

    Yes, the Machine right now just talks this up as as minor disturbance in the force, a small speed bump, move along folks nothing to see. There will be a 40th District Dem meeting in July on San Juan among other new tentacles.

    But this time we shall know them by their limping. These guys can't creep around in the shadows like they are used to. And a lot of local Democrats are getting fed up with the goon squad masquerading in the name of the Party. And far more than just local Democrats.

    Power Past Lovel and Lisa

  122. Sorry about the grammar. I'll try to blame this machine instead of that machine, but certainly one should proof read before posting even if you do rely on this machine instead of that machine. But it was all worth it to get that great piece, 8:03, on the Lichter/Ranker relationship. ("Self absorbed, narcissistic twit") is the most accurate description of the beloved Kevin, I have seen yet in writing.

    I burned the campaign signs today as wife wanted to mow and the pile was in her way.

    I'm pleased to report that the Pratt, "NO Thanks", door sign burned extremely well. Maybe because it was closer to Hell's fire. (OK, that was just plain nasty.) (Then again, you can only lie so much before you're on your way.)("I'm sorry, even with my notes, I just don't recall.")

    This stack of parenthetical is worse than your grammar. - Ed. (Not that Ed.)

    So how long is that Pratt nose?

    And why the long faced Patty Miller on her way out the door? This intelligent person once again did nothing to change the vote on Pictometry. Her legacy is ZILCH.

    A win is a WIN! We'll take those 62 votes! (He's probably wrong with that number- Ed.)(Again; not that Ed.)

  123. Michael Larkspur headed the smear attack against Sarah Palin, he's a long time associate of some local usual suspects,the word I have is he's here to put an end to our little uprising.

  124. I thought Tina Fey did that?

    Right now their problem is that they have to rethink strategy and recover from blowing sixty grand and disappointing a lot of funders.

    We don't. Our investments paid off, so there is more coming, and we're moving on to phase two.

    Sounds like Futurewise just brought in the Fixer.

    Stick his photo on the perp wall and add him to the social graph. Let's see where the trail leads.

  125. You can joke about Michael Larkspur all you want, but his appearance spells an era of behind-the-scene big money interests that will lead to head-scratcher appointments and decisions by the council that the un-informed will be clueless about, I won't be surprised if people associated with Trust Islanders begin to be audited by the IRS...hope y'all don't have scary skeletons in your closet, better be careful of what you're looking at on the internet because Michael Larkspur IS big brother.

  126. Given recent scrutiny of the IRS that scenario seems rather unlikely. And, many remember the IRS paying a visit to the FOSJ a few years ago. Were the issues resolved?

    Here is reality. There is plenty of money here and a lot of really smart folks that simply prefer to be left alone. This election taught important lessons.

    Assume a highly paid fixer comes to town to put toothpaste back in the tube. By default, the fixer represents outside special interests, who are losers right now and disfavored here. Therefore the fixer's handlers risk kicking a hornet's that is now organized, has the resources and skill sets to take the fight where-ever it needs to go.

    "Michael Larkspur" at best is convenient mythology, an incarnation of the secretive authoritarian bully boy. If anything here is real, it will come out. Frankly, it doesn't matter anymore.

    The council will be actively managed. The machine will be slowly disassembled.

    At ease.

  127. who is Michael larkspur?

  128. Anyone see the Friday news story from Port Angeles?
    Neighbor back and forth about a fence being slightly off. One guy finally loses it and bulldozes 4 houses and a few cars.

  129. Anyone else think this IRS targeting story is simply to distract from the real serious Benghazzi coverup story?

    Can we all agree not to elect presidents who are either a) community organizers or b) governors from southern states?

  130. Surely, we have enough issues here in SJC to keep the TH busy.

    The IRS currently does not have the funds, agents, or interest in politically directed trips up your pant leg.

    If this Michael Larkspur (something really strange about this name, Larkspur is an old railroad line and small town named after it in the Bay Area) exists we will see him in action, we will catch him on stage, we will expose his lust for power. Of course we will, why not, as that should be the TH.
